Cycle Magic Program Learn to Love Your Period Period

Did you know having a cycle could be

The Cycle Magic program…

is aimed at helping anyone with a uterus break free from the limitations of trying to live life like a man, and start harnessing all that natural power that we have as cyclical beings.

You’ll create a map to your own buried treasure that’s been waiting within you your whole life!

The Cycle Magic Sisters…

Angie & GG have spent the last decade unlearning the bullshit around having a period, and learning the insane powers they could tap into by going with the flow…literally.

Let them pass that womb wisdom on to you!

✨Cycle Magic✨
Sale Price:$111.11 Original Price:$333.33
✨I'm Ready to Access My FULL POWER ✨
90 Day Money Back guarantee for cycle magic program

If, after showing up and werkin’ the program for 90 days, you don’t feel the desired results, we’ll give you your money back (minus 7% processing fee).

Press for
✨Cycle Magic✨

Click above to watch a preview of our episode on Basic Witches podcast! And click here to catch the whole ep!

You should join the Sisterhood if:

  • You’re a person with a uterus, of any age or gender identity.

  • You want to feel more unapologetic.

  • You want to understand yourself better and have this sneaking suspicion you haven’t been told the whole truth.

  • You want deeper confidence.

  • You desire more intimacy and better sex.

  • You want to feel empowered.

  • You desire an easier way to do life (that’s more effective too.)

  • You want to be having more FUN in life!

  • You’re ready to invest some of your time and money into YOU.

and Especially if:

  • You’re confused why you can’t keep up with the pace that ‘‘everyone else’’ can.

  • At times you feel like a crazy person.

  • You apologize for your needs, and/or don’t recognize you have needs.

  • You try to fight your way through exhaustion and feel burnt out.

  • You feel great when you get a lot done, and feel bad when you don’t.

  • You don’t have much connection to your cycle but want to understand your cyclical nature more.

  • You often don’t feel good enough or like you’re doing enough.

  • You try to be consistent but can never quite make that happen.

 oh, and
fuck the patriarchy for squandering your ✨cycle magic ✨

Cycle Magic is a virtual, members only program divided into
4 key sections:

  1. First, you will unlearn unhelpful cultural and familiar teachings on productivity, consistency, and the ‘‘nuisance’’ of all things female.

  2. Next, you’ll learn all about being unproductive (and how to win at it), inconsistent (and why this is magic for your life), and your feminine superpowers / the POWER of your cycle.

  3. In the third section we get into the nitty gritty of what the cycle is all about. This is for you even if you don’t currently have a bleed. You’ll learn about the four distinct phases you move through every cycle and the changes you can expect to feel on the hormonal, energy, and sexual levels.

  4. The fourth section is all a bonus! You’ll learn more truths about your cycle and sex, period products, the moon, cycle ceremonies, and more! When you buy access to the program you get access for life, included all future live events and added bonus sessions!

Once you enroll the materials are yours to keep forever!


we have to be honest.

Here’s the scary truth about hormonal birth control… 😬


 ✨Cycle Magic✨ is a
social media-free biz,
because that shit is NOT natural.
If someone you know could
use this womb wisdom,
please send them to !

Spread knowledge.

Empower Womxn.